Generally, 2xx indicates success, 4xx indicates something was wrong with the information provided, and 5xx indicates something went wrong on Pier’s servers.


    "error_type": "BORROWER_ERROR",
    "error_code": "INVALID_INPUT",
    "error_message": "A value provided in the body is incorrect. See error_detail for more",
    "error_detail": [
            "value": "12708921",
            "msg": "EIN must be 9 digits",
            "param": "ein",
            "location": "body"

Error Codes

UNAUTHORIZEDINVALID_REQUEST_ERROR401The API key is invalid. Make sure your API key is being prefixed with a colon
UNSUPPORTED_OFFER_TERMSAPPLICATION_ERROR400The requested offer terms are not supported for this state
STATE_NOT_SUPPORTEDAPPLICATION_ERROR400The applicant’s state or territory is not supported
LOAN_AGREEMENT_CREATION_FAILEDLOAN_AGREEMENT_ERROR400The loan agreement could not be created. Please retry
LOAN_AGREEMENT_CANNOT_BE_SIGNEDLOAN_AGREEMENT_ERROR400The loan agreement’s status must be pending in order to sign it
LOAN_AGREEMENT_CANNOT_BE_CREATEDLOAN_AGREEMENT_ERROR400Can only create loan agreements for approved applications
INVALID_LOAN_AGREEMENT_IDLOAN_AGREEMENT_ERROR400The loan_agreement_id specified is invalid
LOAN_AGREEMENT_NOT_FOUNDLOAN_AGREEMENT_ERROR404The loan agreement resource does not exist
LOAN_AGREEMENT_CANNOT_BE_SIGNEDLOAN_AGREEMENT_ERROR400The loan agreement’s status must be pending_signature in order to sign it
INVALID_APPLICATION_IDAPPLICATION_ERROR400The application_id specified is invalid
INVALID_BORROWER_IDBORROWER_ERROR400The borrower_id specified is invalid
BORROWER_NOT_FOUNDBORROWER_ERROR404The borrower resource does not exist
APPLICATION_CANNOT_BE_REJECTEDAPPLICATION_ERROR400The application’s status must be pending in order to reject it
APPLICATION_CANNOT_BE_APPROVEDAPPLICATION_ERROR400The application’s status must be pending in order to approve it
APPLICATION_NOT_FOUNDAPPLICATION_ERROR404The application resource does not exist
DUPLICATE_SSNBORROWER_ERROR400A borrower with that SSN already exists
DUPLICATE_EINBORROWER_ERROR400A borrower with that EIN already exists
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORAPI_ERROR500An unexpected error occurred
FACILITY_ALREADY_EXISTSFACILITY_ERROR400A facility already exists for this loan agreement
FACILITY_CANNOT_BE_CREATEDFACILITY_ERROR400The loan agreement must have a status of signed in order to create a facility for it
FACILITY_NOT_FOUNDFACILITY_ERROR404The facility resource does not exist
INVALID_FACILITY_IDFACILITY_ERROR400The facility_id specified is invalid
FACILITY_CANNOT_BE_CLOSEDFACILITY_ERROR400The facility is already closed