Applications represent the credit application for a borrower. Applications must be created for a given borrower, and one borrower can have many applications. Once an application is created, it must either be approved or rejected.
Applications can have a status of pending
, approved
, accepted
, rejected
, expired
Create an application
POST /applications
Approve an application
POST /applications/{application_id}/approve
Reject an application
POST /applications/{application_id}/reject
Retrieve an application by id
GET /applications/{application_id}
List all applications
GET /applications
Application object
Unique identifier for the object
The borrower_id of the borrower the application belongs to
Timestamp the application object is created on
The type of credit product. Accepted values: installment_loan, revolving_line_of_credit, or closed_line_of_credit
Timestamp when the application is either approved or rejected on
If the application is approved, an object containing the credit offer details. See LineOfCreditOffer and LoadOffer types
If the application is rejected, a list containing 1-4 rejection reason(s). The Rejection Reasons provides a list of valid reasons and descriptors |
If the borrower requests an amount in their application, the requested loan or credit line amount in cents (e.g. 500000 for $5,000)
The status of the credit application. Accepted values:pending
the application is pending a decisionapproved
the application is approved with an offeraccepted
the application offer has been accepted by the borrowerrejected
the application is rejectedexpired
the application has expired